Bermudagrass Workshop Feb. 27

Clemson University Extension is presenting a workshop on Feb. 27 at the Orangeburg Fairgrounds on growing, maintaining, and maximizing the benefits of Bermudagrass in South Carolina.
The event will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dinner is included and two pesticide recertification credits are available to attendees.
Topics covered:
- Hybrid bermudagrass fertility
- Hayfield weed management update
- Pest management in bermudagrass
Speakers include Lee VanVlake, program team director and
Dr. Liliane Silva, forages specialist.
When: Thursday, Feb.27
Where: Orangeburg Fairgrounds, 350 Magnolia Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115.
Cost: $20 person
Registration is required. To register, use this link: Sign me up
The SCFGLC is an event sponsor.