SCFGLC - Winner of the 2017 AFGC President's Award |


Small Ruminant Workshop Aoril 18

Details to come

Row Crop Workshop March 11

Clemson University Extension will host a row crop workshop March 11 at 6:30 p.m. at 110 Railroad Avenue in Gaffney. Topics include “Wheat Diseases and Harvest Considerations,” and “Soybean Production.” The $20 registration includes dinner. Pesticide credits are available. Register by March 6 by calling 864-649-8250 or by emailing

Forages Field Day March 13

The 2025 Edisto Research and Education Center (EREC) Forages Field Day will be held on March 13th at the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, SC. This year’s topics will focus on “Strengthening Forage-Livestock Systems by Adopting Improved Management Practices”. This multi-disciplinary event will include presentations and hands-on activities related to forage establishment and management, weed control,…
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Bermudagrass Workshop Feb. 27

Clemson University Extension is presenting a workshop on Feb. 27 at the Orangeburg Fairgrounds on growing, maintaining, and maximizing the benefits of Bermudagrass in South Carolina. The event will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dinner is included and two pesticide recertification credits are available to attendees. Topics covered: Speakers include Lee VanVlake, program team director…
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A solution for toxic fescue

By Matt Poore | The Alliance for Grassland Renewal Read the article

Putting Carbon Back in the SC Soil

Read about Newberry farmer Ben Setzler’s work

Grazing Cover Crops: A how-to Guide

The use of cover crops in row crop farming is becoming more popular. According to the USDA-NRCS, the four keys to improving soil health and increasing soil organic matter are: Using plant diversity to establish microbial diversity in soils Managing to improve soil health by reducing disturbance (less tillage) Keeping plants growing throughout the year…
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Videos from the experts

We have several videos from forage experts on our Youtube channel. Click here, or below for the list and to view.